Friday, 10 December 2010

Publication Update

And finally today, I scanned in my own, Hannah's and some of Sarah's publication pages for use in a pdf version. Below are a few of the scans:

Barbara Kruger: Take II

Also, today Damien and I revisited our Barbara Kruger photographs taking a completely new one for our Blurb books. Here is what we came up with:

PinHole Photography Originals

Here are the original pinhole photographs from today:

PinHole Photography: Take II

Today, I revisited my pinhole project and took another five.  These had much more of a theme to them in comparsion to my first try which was more about getting use to pinhole photography.  I looked at empty rooms/chairs.  Having one with a similar style from my first attempt, I now have six to choose from for my Blurb book.

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Constructivist Photography: Take II

I had to revisit an earlier photography brief before sending my Blurb book off to print. The brief was to take 6 constructivist inspired photographs. I had 3 that I really liked from my first attempt and here are a few that I really liked from todays shooting:

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Unplug Exhibition

Today, Unplug exhibition was finally up and running. Tori and I stayed about the area putting the finishing touches to it. Feedback we received was very positive so we're all very pleased! For more information please visit the Unplug blog,

Sunday, 5 December 2010

Group Publication

Over this weekend, each group member has been assigned roughly 8 pages each to design for our publication. The publication is going to have a very sketchbook feel to it as we want to continue to explore the handmade theme as much as possible throughout this project. Below are some of the pages that I have been working on:

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Dragons Den

Today, Tori, Hannah and I took part in a Dragon's Den style pitch in class for Unplug. Tori and I did the speaking while Hannah worked the slideshow. We were pleased with the feedback we got. For more info on Unplug visit

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Final Photography Project - Film Noir

This week in photography class, we began work on our final project which is a minute long photo essay. As a huge fan of film noir, I want this to be the basis for my essay.  We were asked to bring to class one photo showing the style we are looking to explore and below is my example:

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Barbara Kruger Photography

This weeks photography brief asked us to create 3 posters in a similar style to the work of Barbara Kruger. She uses words and image to create often thought provoking posters a lot of the time through a conflict between the two elements. We teamed up in groups of two for this brief and my partner was Damien. Here is what we came up with:

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Group Blog

Today, we finally got our group blog set up. This will be the main online blog for the group project for the next few weeks so please visit the site to see what myself and the rest of the group are up to:

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Group Project Sketches

After a change in direction for our group project we as a group are sketching out our ideas at the moment. The idea is to create a 3D landscape using handcrafted methods. The ideas in my sketches are a city based on the work of Bomboland and Julien Vallee, a landscape based on Belfast and a landscape based on Times Square showing the contrast between digital and handcrafted methods. Below are my sketches.

PinHole Photography Originals

Here are my original pinhole photographs before inverting and flipping them:

PinHole Photography

Today I completed work for my photography brief this week - PinHole photography. We started the process on Thursday. As I had never done pinhole photography before this brief, I was basically learning how this process works the past few days. There is an element of luck involved in pinhole photography and overall I'm happy with my results from the past few days.

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Constructivist Photography

For this weeks photography brief we were asked to take 6 constructivist inspired photographs. Here are the 6 that I will show for submission:

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Original Constructivist Style Photographs

Here are my original constructivist style photographs. I think they work well as photographs but don't particularly answer the brief. I think I will choose a more constructivist subject such as a building.