Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Translink Logo

I was asked to redesign the translink logo in a day. I went for a illustrative logo playing on the shape of the word 'translink' and turning that into a bus. I really like the idea that I came up with, I personally think it is a clever idea. Below is the logo using colours from Translink's colour chart:


My first photography brief was based on composition. We were asked to show visually through composition the following words - powerful, separate and connected. We took 2 photographs basee on each word. See if you can guess which represents which!

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Website Design

We were asked to design a website in under an hour using a colour as a theme.  The feedback I got suggested room for improvement so I will revisit this before hand-in in December.

Monday, 20 September 2010

Design on Template

Here are the designs on the pen template.  The designs look quite bare at the moment but I feel that when folded properly on a pen they would look much better.

Pen Project Final Design

In the end, I came to the conclusion that the shading didn't quite work on a pen because there isn't a definitive starting point on a pen like there was in my designs.  The design looks very simple but I developed my idea and tried different things and this so happen to be the one that I felt worked best.

Pen Project cont.

I continued to develop this montage using different landmarks and different ways of shading etc.  But it wasn't until I started cutting the design out and folding it that I saw what would work and what wouldn't for a pen.  The photographs show me experimenting and developing the design.

Pen Project cont.

The next stage in my design was to place these famous landmarks together so that they would fit on a pen.  I decided that I wanted to do a montage where one landmark would run into the next and so on.  Also, at a very early stage during this project I decided that I wanted to do it all in pen because thats what you'll be able to achieve with a pen.  I didn't want to put this highly computerized graphic on the pen.

Pen Project

To start this project, I did a quick brainstorm on everything that I associated with Belfast.  From this I then decided that I was going to focus on Belfast icons as I felt that focusing on more cultural, less well known aspects of the city would alienate anyone not completely familiar with the city, this included places like City Hall and Queens.